Frequently Asked Question

How do I contact Tax authority in Serbia for more details?
Last Updated 6 months ago

The purpose of our FAQs is to provide users with specific information, divided by jurisdictions and into categories. The topics cover doubts that may arise either during the fiscalization of transactions or during the development of fiscalization solutions.

However, these FAQs are in no way a substitute nor are more important than the official fiscalization laws and instructions. These legislations are always written and updated by respective tax authorities and are binding for both taxpayers and EFD vendors.

We encourage all users to constantly check the official tax authority websites in jurisdictions where they operate and to use this section only as a way to learn more about concrete questions that they may have when carrying out their operations.

In case of doubts or conflicting instructions, the information published on tax authorities’ websites always prevails over this FAQ.

Below you can find the link to the Serbian tax authority (PURS) web page with relevant information for taxpayers and EFD vendors alike:

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