Frequently Asked Question

How can I connect to an V-SDC using .NET 4.0?
Last Updated 10 days ago

There should not be any significant differences between .NET 4.0 and .NET 4.5 or .NET 4.6 code. In all these cases you have to accomplish the same steps:

  1. Install ICA and RCA certificates for development and production environment on dev and POS machine. You can find a complete guide here below:Obtaining RCA and ICA Certificates from a PFX Certificate - SamoaObtaining RCA and ICA Certificates from a PFX Certificate - FijiObtaining RCA and ICA Certificates from a PFX Certificate - SerbiaObtaining RCA and ICA Certificates From a PFX Certificate - Republika Srpska 
  2. Generate client library (service proxies and POCOs) based on the specifications published on V-SDC, you can see the information here below:Identification of Environments - Samoa - / Identification of Environments - Fiji - / Environments - Serbia only / Environments - Republika Srpska only
  3. Configure Web request to use client certificate for authentication
  4. Invoke SignInvoice REST service and process result

Use Swagger to generate client library for V-SDC

Client Certificates distributed by the different jurisdictions in pkcs12 (pfx) or smart card format are used for client authentication on a V-SDC server. You may find some of these examples useful:

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