Frequently Asked Question

Does the AIS need accreditation with a specific SDC vendor's type of SDC, or are they interchangeable (meaning, AIS can work with any Accredited SDC)? Do SDCs use a uniform protocol for communicating with the AIS?
Last Updated 5 months ago

AIS stands for Accredited Invoicing System – we use that term to avoid public awareness of what can be used to issue invoices. 

Invoices can issued using anything (smartphones, tablets, laptops, classical POS, ERP systems…) as long as they conform to all the technical requirements. 

POS (AIS) - SDC communication protocol is standardized. This means that any accredited POS (AIS) can communicate with any accredited E-SDC (and V-SDC which is not subject to accreditation) and vice versa. 

The only difference is the connectivity requirements (UTP cable, Wi-Fi…) between the two.

For more information about this, see this entry below:



POS to SDC Protocol
POS to SDC Protocol
POS to SDC Protocol
Republika Srpska (RS)
POS to SDC Protocol

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