Frequently Asked Question

How can we provide a Digital Certificate to the SDC if it expects a Smart Card for identification? Can the SDC use either a Smart Card or a Digital Certificate for identification?
Last Updated about a month ago

On the one hand, POS (AIS) can authenticate to E-SDC only via smart card PIN code. 

On the other hand, POS (AIS) can authenticate to V-SDC via both the smart card’s PIN code or the PFX certificate’s PAC code. 

Finally, the taxpayer’s authorized persons set the PIN or PAC when submitting a request for obtaining Secure Elements under the form of a smart card or a PFX digital certificate.



Enter PIN to Unlock the Secure Element
Choosing an Appropriate Model
Enter PIN to Unlock the Secure Element
Choosing an Appropriate Model
Enter PIN to Unlock the Secure Element
Choosing an Appropriate Model
Republika Srpska (RS)
Enter PIN to Unlock the Secure Element
Republika Srpska (RS)
Choosing an Appropriate Model

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