Frequently Asked Question

We would like to find more information regarding Business Operational Laws/Requirements (End-of-Day Report handling, periodic report printing, handling POS outages, etc. Are they available somewhere?
Last Updated 2 months ago

We have only encountered the requirement for periodic POS reports in our implementation in The Republic of Srpska. 

The report has to display the following information: 

  • selected period
  • number of issued invoices (only Normal and Advance type invoices)
  • list of sold items (including the quantity, unit price, and total amounts per item)
  • total sale amounts
  • total refund amounts
  • total amounts for each payment type.

However, this requirement may vary depending on what each jurisdiction wants to focus on.

Other than that, we only have access to the official legislation. 

However, it stands to reason that all the requirements from the taxpayers would be published there, in our technical documentation:



Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation
Technical Documentation
Republika Srpska (RS)
Technical Documentation

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