Frequently Asked Question

Which are the mandatory payment methods on my invoices?
Last Updated 7 months ago

As per Technical Documentation for EFD vendors, you are only able to provide these payment methods: Cash, Card, Check, Wire Transfer, Voucher, Mobile Money, or Other.

Local terminology is prescribed by official regulations in each tax jurisdiction and must be followed to the letter.

None of them can be excluded, all of them are mandatory and they cannot be modified in any case.

The definition of the payment methods may also be replaced by numbers.

Payment type enumeration value: 0 - Other, 1 - Cash, 2 - Card, 3 - Check, 4 - Wire Transfer, 5 - Voucher, 6 - Mobile Money.

Here you can check our documentation regarding this subject:




Fiscal Invoice


Fiscal Invoice

Create Invoice

Fiscal Invoice

Republika Srpska (RS)
Create Invoice

In case that you are developing EFD as a non-transferable product, please check payment method requirements in relevant jurisdictions.

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