Frequently Asked Question

I made a mistake with one item when issuing a fiscal invoice - What can I do?
Last Updated 3 years ago

If a taxpayer is not using a predefined list of items when creating fiscal invoices, and instead prefer to input item information for each time, they can sometimes make a mistake regarding item price or the appropriate tax label.

Note that some jurisdictions might have specific guidelines for this case, please check those first before proceeding.

What can they do if this happens?

Fiscal invoices can not be altered after they are issued, but the situation can be fixed by issuing a Normal Refund invoice, followed by a new Normal Sale invoice.

Let's say you issued a Normal Sale invoice with the SDC Invoice Number xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-1 and three items on it:

  • Item 1 - a football
  • Item 2 - running shoes
  • Item 3 - socks

However, you entered a wrong price for the running shoes and issued the invoice with that price.

The first thing you should do is to create a Normal Refund invoice referencing to the original Normal Sale invoice - that means that in the Ref. No. field you need to enter xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-1. The SDC Invoice Number of the Normal Refund invoice will be xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-2.

NORMAL REFUND article.png

This cancels Item 2 - running shoes. Now all you need to issue a new Normal Sale invoice containing only this item with the right price.

NORMAL SALE article2.png

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