Frequently Asked Question

How can we handle different taxes and tax rates in different environments?
Last Updated 6 months ago

To understand how different taxes and tax rates are handled in different environments, first it is important to understand the exchange of information that happens when sending and receiving an invoice:

In Invoice Request, your POS sends 'TotalAmount' which represents Gross amount of the products/services sold, thus you know the amount which customer needs to pay before sending API call to SDC.

In Invoice Response, your POS will receive breakdown of tax amounts as per labels used in invoice request.

POS can learn in advance what is the valid tax rate, exposed by the Tax Authority. If a developer wishes to know in advance what the tax portion will be after fiscalization, instructions on how SDC (External or Virtual) calculates taxes are found below.

For any other reason, you can always print PS (Proforma Sales) to obtain the so called "quotation" and know exactly what the tax portion will be prior to concluding the sale. 

For more information on everything that was discussed, please see the following entries, by jurisdiction:



Fiscal Invoice

Tax Amounts

Get Tax Authority Params

Calculate Taxes

Anatomy of a Fiscal Receipt

Fiscal Invoice

Tax Amounts

Get Tax Authority Params

Calculate Taxes

Anatomy of a Fiscal Receipt

Create Invoice

Tax Amounts

Calculate Taxes

Anatomy of a Fiscal Receipt

Republika Srpska (RS)
Create Invoice

Tax Amounts

Calculate Taxes

Anatomy of a Fiscal Receipt

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