Frequently Asked Question

What is a Proof of Audit?
Last Updated 6 months ago

A proof of audit is a confirmation from the tax authority's system that all the invoices issued with a particular digital certificate have been stored in its database. 


This article describes the default operation mode of the Proof of Audit Service. However, upon the Tax Authority’s decision, the service can use different strategies for issuing a proof-of-audit. For the currently applicable non-standard issuance strategies, see Currently Applicable Non-Standard Strategy for Issuing Proof of Audit.

It is issued after each fiscal invoice (remote audit) or after a group of delayed invoices reach the database (local audit).

TaxCore allows for these invoices to be saved and then be audited once the connection is back. 

A proof of audit also confirms that exactly the same data that was entered in the taxpayer’s SDC was transferred to the tax authority database.

Below you can find more detailed information about the described process:



Proof of Audit POA

Proof of Audit

Proof of Audit POA

Proof of Audit

Proof of Audit POA

Proof of Audit

Republika Srpska (RS)
Proof of Audit

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